Author Archives: matt

Someone turned this video I shot with Rwandan students into an animated GIF

I have a brief cameo. Kinda made my day.

About 3 miles from downtown Seattle on Blake Island.

About 3 miles from downtown Seattle on Blake Island. 

Drove down to Portland for Live Wire Radio

There’s something about doing a radio broadcast in front of a live audience that’s folksy and charming and a whole lot more fun than the alternative. Oh, and DON’T be distracted by that mic stand in front of my head. … Continue reading

Matt Inman from The Oatmeal tested out his new Tesla cannon on my flesh and science…

Matt Inman from The Oatmeal tested out his new Tesla cannon on my flesh and science got done. Yes, the current is lighting the bulb. And yes, it hurt.

I’m in West Hollywood in a light blue t-shirt and beige shorts

Track me down before 2pm and I'll dance with you. [W92-HQH] Glympse – Share Your Where

My son just fed me puffs over Hangout

Thank you, Google.

I’m beaming after watching this


23andMe’s DNA mapping service will tell you about your genetic ancestry, identify…

23andMe's DNA mapping service will tell you about your genetic ancestry, identify genetic traits, and inform you about your carrier status for various health risks. I'm a data nerd, so I went crazy for it. It's an incredible way to … Continue reading

23andMe mapped my DNA and helped me find distant relatives who share my genes

I tracked a few of them down and got them to dance with me.

Was invited on the GeekWire podcast this week

Finally figured out that when people say "podcast" I can just replace that word in my head with "radio show" and everything will make sense again. There are no pods or casts involved. GeekWire Podcast: Where The Hell is Matt? … Continue reading